Employment Screening | How to Be the Next HR Hero Pt. 2

Employment Screening | Be Authentic.

The biggest part of a secret identity is putting on a different face when people are around. Cut it out. The more “human” you are with others, the more they’ll be human interacting with you. The emotional makeup of us as people is the most critical aspect we possess. You don’t do yourself any favors being an emotionless robot in HR. Drop the façade and let them see the person inside.

Fight the Villians.

There are villains in every company. Too often they get ignored, avoided, partially disciplined or promoted (if they bring in results). Heroes call out villains and face them head on. It will be a battle, but it’s worth it. Not only because you’re addressing people who should have been addressed long ago, but you’re setting the example of how people should treat each other. Don’t shy away from confrontation or hide behind some system of discipline. Clean up your workplace and let the villains know that they aren’t welcome anymore.

Form Your Own League of Heroes.

It’s difficult to be heroic on your own. You can feel isolated very quickly. The best thing about being a heroic talent advisor is that there are others who are in the battle as well. Instead of wishing you had others around you who understood your efforts, seek out other heroes and intentionally make them part of your league. Connect with them often and share how it’s going. Learn from each other and encourage each other to stay out front and out of the shadows.

In my career, I’ve been the HR person who hid behind my secret identity, and I’ve become someone who is now no longer skulking in the back hallways. I’ve donned my cape and mask out among the people where heroes should be. Employees don’t take advantage of HR heroes; they look to them to know they will bring out the best in others.

It’s a great gig to be an HR hero, and well worth the risk! -Career Builder 



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