Background Screening | Generation Z Part. 1

Background Screening | Everyone is always talking about the Millennials. How to engage them; what they expect from their careers; and how to structure your recruiting plans to work for them. And, while you’re still trying to figure them out, a new age of people entering the workforce is upon us.

Born between 1990 and 1999, Generation Z is about to disrupt the workforce.

As a recruiter, it’s important for you to understand what makes this generation so incredibly different than anyone that came before them into the workforce. The unique traits of Generation Z will surprise, frustrate, and inspire you.

Here’s how to up your game before this group graduates from college:

What makes Generation Z so different from everyone before them?

You thought the Millennial crowd was an alien breed, and now you’re about to meet an entire generation that will tip the scales. According to a Robert Half study, released late last year, Get Ready for Generation Z, this is what makes them different in the workplace.

  • They want to customize the rules;
  • Training is ongoing and essential for them;
  • Their learning style is technology-based;
  • Face-to-face communication is preferred;
  • Their approach to problem-solving is entrepreneurial;
  • They like to make decisions as a team;
  • Teaching is their most valuable leadership asset;
  • For projects, they expect consistent and frequent feedback; and
  • When it comes to change, they expect it.
  • 64% of Generation Z candidates rank Career Opportunity as their #1 consideration

    Generation Z is ready to dive in and do the work, but they may not take the job if it doesn’t clearly provide a career opportunity. That said, when you’re recruiting (unless you see a distinct focus on retail industries in the resume) save the seasonal positions at Target for the Millennials. Generation Z will be looking for something that not only educates them for future ventures, but provides a lot of room for growth.

    In short, rather than thinking, “How can I apply my skills to help this company?” they are instead asking how the job can work for them, to help them meet their goals. You can apply this information by knowing to ask your Generation Z recruits what their long term goals are and how they think your organization can help them get there. That’s how you’re going to find out what you need to know to see if they are a good fit for your position. –Recruit Loop 


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